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ONE of the Fastest Financing Solutions Available.
Are you Waiting 30-60 Days or more to receive payment on billed invoices? Could an immediate influx of cash help your business grow? GET FUNDED IN 24 HOURS
A comprehensive Package of Financing options based soley on your customers and invoices! Not based on your credit or financials.
THE SOLUTION. FACTOR YOUR INVOICES How would you like an advance on all the sitting invoices? Tired of calling your customers for payment. Would you prefer to focus on your business rather than collections? Factoring your invoice may be what you need. Call today for free consultation: 720-279-4345
Omega Funding will purchase your commercial accounts receivable, allowing you to generate the cash flow that you need to grow and prosper
Factoring is the sale of your accounts receivable (invoices) to a funding source at a discount off the face value in return for immediate cash. The funding source is known as a factor. This is also commonly known as account receivable factoring or invoice factoring.
The process typically works like this: You deliver a product or service and issue aninvoice to your customer. Without invoice factoring, you wait 30, 60, or 90 days for payment. With accounts receivable factoring, the factor immediately purchases the invoice and advances an initial payment of 70-95 percent of the invoiced amount.
Accounts Receivable Factoring Is NOT Borrowing.YouGIVE UP NO EQUITY. Instead, it allows companies to take advantage of their outstanding invoices to raise immediate cash without incurring additional debt or compromising their current financial credit standing.
No long-term contracts
No Application or start-up fees
No Monthly minimums
No Fico Concerns
No personal guarantees in some cases
No company tax returns required or financials in Some cases
No personal financial statements or tax returns
Construction Invoices accepted. All industries accepted
Easy Approval Process and all Terms and Conditions in Black and White One page approval for you!
In most cases, you'll have funds in your account within 24 hours.
When your customer pays the invoice (payment is made directly to the factor), you'll receive the remaining balance ( 5 to 30 percent of the invoice amount) less the factor's fee. Fees range from 1-3 percent per 30 days. Depending on many different factors. If over 30 days we will not charge another 30 days of fees. Prorated for daily use.
Waiting to collect on these lengthy billing cycles can put a financial strain on a company that is growing steadily, growing rapidly, or even struggling to survive. New and growing companies may have trouble receiving traditional financing due to shortage of time in business, diminishing profits and other typical financial criteria used by traditional lending sources.
Not All Factoring Companies are the Same!
Rates, advances, fees, and the services provided vary widely. Different factors prefer certain industries, and may charge more for industries they do not actively service.
There are also non-recourse and recourse factoring programs. You must be aware of all your options before signing with any factoring company. Are there long term commitments? Minimum number of invoices per month, credit analysis, or sales volume you must meet? How much contact will the Factoring company have with you clients? When will your reserves be released by the factoring company? Let us do all the work for you! We do not ask you for money upfront. In fact our services are free to you as a business owner when it comes to Factoring.
Are you giving your vendors interest Free Loans?
ONLY USE US when you need the money!
Immediate Increase in Cash Flow
Funding as quick as 2 days from Application!
Professional Collection of your Invoices (at your request)
Invoice Processing with Weekly status Reports
Obtain Larger Customers by offering credit terms.
Take advantage of early payment discounts
Increase Your Staff or Fund Payroll!
Purchase New Equipment
Credit Screening of Potential New Clients
Ability to Obtain Larger Clients
Appealing Credit terms to attract new Clients
No Liens on other assets.
Detailed Management Reports
Online Access to All Reports
Online submission process for invoices
Absolute Control of Business Maintained.
Ownership NOT compromised
No Additional Debt with invoice factoring
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